Creating a New Integrated Economic Space Where All Play With The Same Rules
Dear all, on this good occasion I will discuss about UTEMIS Project and for that here is the Explanation:
Utemis does something that has never been done before with the level of economic playing field of some very heterogeneous Latin American countries in a way that creates a new unified economic space where all play with the same rules.
What is UTEMIS?
The first e-commerce to decentralize the business reputation in Blockchain and unificates Latin America into a single economic space. Something happened, you get 100% of your money back.
By decentralizing the business reputation so that everyone sees and exposes them to new business opportunities, we can finally give millions of people the chance they deserve.
How Decentralization Empowers Business in Latin America
With UTEMIS all Latin American businesses have the same opportunity to grow than those of the Chinese. This is the power of economic decentralization.
By decentralizing business reputation in Blockain Ethereal, smart contracts automatically calculate your behavior on every transaction, accelerating trade for millions of small and medium sized companies in Latin America.
Chinese e-commerce giants use escrow accounts that protect buyers. UTEMIS escrow account works in exactly the same way, your money is always protected and if anything happens, you will get 100% of your money back.
The banking transaction in Latin America is very expensive, takes a few days, and is very bureaucratic, with UTEMIS business paying right away, saving 99% transaction fee, no bank involved and you make money for you.
What if a Latin American company can start a new one regardless of their past? New opportunities to grow and develop like never before. We believe that if small and medium enterprises in Latin America, for the first time, the opportunity to create their future, they will create the most economical, tough, efficient and fair economic zone in the world.
Here are the Companies that have signed to integrate UTEMIS in their business:
Sales Information Token UTS
Total supply
200 billion
Min purchase
0.05 ETH
Price Token
1 ETH = 1,500,000 UTS
Pre-ICO Period
Started: February 15, 2018
Expires: March 1, 2018
Bonus: 50%
Additional bonus to participate:
> 10.00 EHT: additional 25%
> 50.00 ETH: additional 50%
The First Period of ICO
Start: March 1, 2018
Expires: April 1, 2018
Bonus: 30%
Additional bonus to participate:
> 10.00 EHT: additional 15%
> 50.00 ETH: additional 30%
Second Period of ICO
Start: April 1, 2018
Expires: April 30, 2018
Bonus: 10%
Additional bonus to participate:
> 10.00 EHT: additional 5%
> 50.00 ETH: additional 10%
Crypto Disorders UTEMIS transforms the entire Latin American continent into a single economic space.
Doing business across the Latin American continent as if it were one country, finding new clients and suppliers and evaluating them with their reputation.
Save 99% fee when making transactions and payments, no bureaucracy or waste of time and instant payments.
Just like China's e-commerce giant, your purchase is 100% protected with UTEMIS escrow account, in case something happens, you will get 100% of your money back.
Trust and reputation are the fuels that drive business growth. By decentralizing their reputation in the Ethereal Blockchain, honest business will flourish, and things that will not be excluded from the system. And for the first time 100% of these results depend on them.
UTEMIS uses the latest technology to give everyone a fresh start. New opportunities to do things right. At UTEMIS everyone has a clean slate - you write your future on Blockchain. It does not matter what you did in the past, or where it came from. You can do business now without corruption, save money, eliminate cheating and avoid bureaucracy and bureaucracy when buying and selling goods in Latin America (also in the US and Canada). You will only pay if you are 100% satisfied with the goods. And your money will always be protected.
02 / SAFE
Blockchain is a basic technology that enables systems to operate, it is a database technology that makes digitally auditable distributed logs among a wide network of users. When used with cardiac crypto, Blockchain records can only be updated based on consensus of the majority of participants in the network, and once logged in, entries can not be deleted. That means trustworthy, you're the only one who writes your reputation in Blockchain UTEMIS.
03 / EASY
The platform for doing business is easy to use and secure. Where you can easily verify potential customers and supplier reputation and where everything is public and on a reliable Blockchain. There are no hidden costs or surprises. No bank fees, no currency exchange, no payment delays, no. Payments are made instantaneously - and you can instantly cash your payments.
Juni 2017
Gagasan tentang ekosistem UTEMIS lahir. Kami meneliti lisensi, programer, persyaratan hukum, dan insinyur TI dan keuangan apa yang harus diperoleh untuk menciptakan Ekosistem UTEMIS. Rencana bisnis 10 tahun diciptakan untuk ekosistem.
PRE-ICO 15 Februari 2018, kami akan meluncurkan token UTEMIS kami di pasar ICO
Januari 2018
Tandatangani pelanggan pertama di Kolombia, Brasil dan Meksiko
Hadirkan pelanggan pertama di situs web UTEMIS
Daftar pelanggan yang telah menandatangani rilis alpha Platform UTEMIS
Wawancara agen headhunting di Kolombia untuk pemilihan tenaga penjualan
Februari 2018
Pra ICO Periode dimulai Februari 15 th
Wawancara agen headhunting di Meksiko untuk pemilihan tenaga penjualan
Wawancara agen headhunting di Brasil untuk pemilihan tenaga penjualan
Persiapan versi alpha dari Platform UTEMIS
Konferensi pribadi dengan pelanggan di Meksiko, Brasil dan Kolombia
Proses co-creation dengan pelanggan untuk menemukan fungsi utama dari platform e-commerce awal
Maret 2018
Periode Pra-ICO berakhir pada tanggal 1 Maret
Periode Pertama ICO dimulai 1 Maret
Luncurkan versi Alpha Platform UTEMIS dengan grup pelanggan terpilih
Debugging versi platform UTEMIS Alpha
Mengidentifikasi fungsi yang hilang dalam versi Alpha Platform UTEMIS
Pemilihan dua agen pengumpul sampah untuk Kolombia
Pemilihan dua agen pengumpul sampah untuk Brasil
Pemilihan dua badan pengayauan untuk Meksiko
April 2018
Periode Pertama ICO berakhir 1 April
Periode Kedua ICO dimulai 1 April
Wawancara 100 personel penjualan pertama untuk Kolombia
Wawancara 100 personel penjualan pertama untuk Meksiko
Wawancara 100 personil penjualan pertama untuk Brasil
Jangkau kejenuhan dengan semua fungsi dalam versi Alpha
Rancang versi Platform UTEMIS Beta
Uji escrow account dan batas kapasitasnya
Buat platform periklanan
Rancang fungsi utama dari UTEMIS Store for Companies
Periode Kedua ICO berakhir 30 April
Mei 2018
Menyewa 100 personil penjualan pertama untuk Kolombia
Menyewa 100 personil penjualan pertama untuk Meksiko
Menyewa 100 personil penjualan pertama untuk Brasil
Wawancara 100 tenaga penjualan lebih banyak untuk Kolombia
Wawancara 100 tenaga penjualan lebih banyak untuk Meksiko
Wawancara 100 tenaga penjualan lebih banyak untuk Brasil
Luncurkan Versi Beta
Jangkau nomor pelanggan 100
Token UTEMIS mulai berdagang di satu Bursa
Juni 2018
Debug versi Beta dan periksa keandalannya
Persiapan Platform UTEMIS utama
Menyewa 300 tenaga penjualan lebih banyak untuk Brasil, Kolombia dan Meksiko
Buat departemen Treasury untuk arbitrase Token UTEMIS
Negosiasikan dengan satu pelabuhan di Kolombia untuk menerima UTEMIS
Negosiasikan dengan satu pelabuhan di Brasil untuk menerima UTEMIS
Bernegosiasi dengan satu pelabuhan di Meksiko untuk menerima UTEMIS
Juli 2018
Siapkan UTEMIS untuk penskalaan kecepatan tinggi
Selesaikan debug versi Beta Platform UTEMIS
Menyewa 300 tenaga penjualan lebih banyak untuk Brasil, Kolombia dan Meksiko
Mencapai angka pelanggan 10.000
Agustus 2018 sampai Desember 2018
Kepatuhan hukum
Pemasaran meningkatkan UTEMIS
Hire VP sales B2B LATAM
Customer service call center
Hire 100 telemarketer
Mulai beroperasi di Chile, Argentina dan negara-negara lain di Amerika Latin
2020 Amerika Serikat
Mulai beroperasi di Amerika Serikat dengan semua perusahaan yang melakukan bisnis dengan perusahaan Amerika Latin
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan mengunjungi Situs Web dan Sosial media UTEMIS dibawah ini:
Profile BTC : Amandiaz76
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